Person in the shadow:
The Dark Lord's wicked couselor ...
The Dark Lord's wicked couselor ...
Dark Lord:
- Sworn enemy of vikings
- His longing for devastation began the managers era
Dark Lord:
- Sworn enemy of vikings
- His longing for devastation began the managers era
Person in the shadow:
The Dark Lord's wicked couselor ...
The Dark Lord's wicked couselor ...
Dark Lord:
- Sworn enemy of vikings
- His longing for devastation began the managers era
Person in the shadow:
The Dark Lord's wicked couselor ...
The Dark Lord's wicked couselor ...
Dark Lord:
- Sworn enemy of vikings
- His longing for devastation began the managers era
Management teacher
Management teacher
Management teacher
Uton grandfather:
- His weakness began the manager era
- (by the way, a never ending era)
Management teacher
Management teacher
Uton grandfather:
- His weakness began the manager era
- (by the way, a never ending era)
Management teacher
Management teacher
Management teacher
Management teacher
Uton grandfather:
- His weakness began the manager era
- (by the way, a never ending era)
Management teacher
Management teacher
Uton grandfather:
- His weakness began the manager era
- (by the way, a never ending era)
Management teacher
Management teacher
Management teacher
Management teacher
Uton grandfather:
- His weakness began the manager era
- (by the way, a never ending era)
Uton grandfather:
- His weakness began the manager era
- (by the way, a never ending era)
Uton grandfather:
- His weakness began the manager era
- (by the way, a never ending era)
Management teacher
Genesis - Sixth act
Managers • Genesis • Dark Lord • Management teacher • Ossian • Person in the shadow • Uton grandfatherAbout:
Genesis of the VikBZ, sixth act - the birth of managers
- Description:
- Strip 6 - Genesis of the VikBZ, sixth act - the birth of managers
- Title:
- Genesis - Sixth act
- Drawing:
- Elisa Vignali
- Story:
- Fabio Sassi
- License:
- This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
within the fortress of the Vikings' sworn enemy...
- Ossian
- within the fortress of the Vikings' sworn enemy lingered a heavy sense of guilt
- Dark Lord
- you know, I think we made a mistake... invoking those things... it was a mistake
- Person in the shadow
- I agree, my lord, the Managers are...
- Person in the shadow
- anyway we enclosed them in the ring again
- Dark Lord
- listen , it's important that nobody invokes them again! we must destroy the ring!
- Person in the shadow
- as you want...
- Person in the shadow
- anyway, we can always invoke other dark terrifying creatures... for example lawyers
- Dark Lord
- look, I don't even know what they are, but I think we can dedicate ourselves to something else... let's have a happy hour
- Ossian
- all the managers were enclosed in the ring again, but among them there were 3 other more tremendous creatures still free... the Management Teachers!
- Management teacher
- Young man, come here, would you like a drink?
- Uton grandfather
- are you talking to me sir?
- Management teacher
- does the ship out there belong to your father?
- Uton grandfather
- yes sir
- Management teacher
- we need that ship to spread our teachings all around the world... can we steal it?
- Uton grandfather
- I don't know sir... I don't think that my father would agree
- Management teacher
- look Young man, you have to learn to live your life with a more entrepreneurial attitude... blah blah... Sun Tzu... management...
- Ossian
- after an hour of an intensive management lesson...
- Uton grandfather
- the first thing to do is borrow my father's ship, then sell it and speculate on the capital...
- Ossian
- the management teachers, with the help of Uton's grandfather, sailed all around the world opening management schools everywhere.
- Ossian
- so that's how it all began... due to the fragility of a young viking mankind had to pay a high price , the birth of... managers!